
Enlightenment Ideas


Enlightenment ideas refer to philosophical thoughts from the 18th century that emphasized reason, individualism, skepticism towards tradition, and improvement in human condition through science.


Imagine enlightenment ideas as your smartphone’s software update. Just like how an update improves your phone's functionality based on user feedbacks or technological advancements; enlightenment thinkers wanted to improve society using reason and scientific knowledge instead of blindly following traditional beliefs.

Related terms

John Locke: An influential Enlightenment thinker known for his theories about government power deriving from consent of governed individuals.

Voltaire: A leading figure in Enlightenment who advocated for freedom of speech, religion & criticized intolerance and superstition.

Scientific Revolution: The period preceding Enlightenment where scientific methods were developed leading to major changes in understanding nature.

"Enlightenment Ideas" appears in:

Practice Questions (18)

  • How did the growth of cities and the emergence of a new urban middle class contribute to the spread of Enlightenment ideas?
  • How did Enlightenment ideas influence European attitudes towards slavery during the late 18th century?
  • How did Enlightenment ideas mainly influence society during this period?
  • How did Enlightenment ideas manifest differently in Britain’s Industrial Revolution and France’s French Revolution?
  • What was one major effect of Enlightenment ideas on European society?
  • Which principle of the American Revolution was most directly influenced by Enlightenment ideas?
  • How did Enlightenment ideas impact the 18th-century European society?
  • How did the emergence of Enlightenment ideas impact the power structure in Europe?
  • How did Enlightenment ideas influence the French Revolution's aims?
  • How did Enlightenment ideas primarily influence French society prior to their revolution?
  • Which of the following best describes how Enlightenment ideas influenced 18th-century European states?
  • What document, inspired by Enlightenment ideas, declared "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" in Revolutionary France?
  • What political concept, growing from Enlightenment ideas, asserts that government should protect people's natural rights including life, liberty and property?
  • Which reform enacted during Catherine The Great's reign reflected Enlightenment ideas?
  • What influence might Enlightenment ideas have had on Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"?
  • How did the Enlightenment ideas influence political developments in the late-18th and early-19th centuries?
  • Who was a major proponent of Enlightenment ideas promoting free markets and individual liberties?
  • Which period saw the rise of secular world views largely as a result of enlightenment ideas?

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