


The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 17th to 19th century. It emphasized reason, analysis, and individualism rather than traditional lines of authority.


Think of the Enlightenment as a massive group project where everyone is trying to figure out how society should work. Instead of just accepting what their parents or rulers tell them, they're doing their own research, having debates, and coming up with new ideas.

Related terms

Rationalism: This is the principle that regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge. During the Enlightenment period, thinkers believed that through rational investigation, humans could understand and improve their world.

Secularism: This refers to a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. In this context, it means focusing on worldly rather than spiritual matters - another key aspect of Enlightenment thinking.

Humanism: This is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. Humanists sought to embrace human worth in practical affairs without recourse to supernatural powers during this era.

"Enlightenment" appears in:

Practice Questions (20+)

  • The Enlightenment challenged prevailing social and religious order by advocating for:
  • Enlightenment thinkers believed in the power of:
  • The Enlightenment promoted the idea of individual rights and the importance of:
  • Print media during the Enlightenment:
  • Public venues like salons and coffeehouses in the Enlightenment era:
  • Intellectuals during the Enlightenment sought a more balanced system of government to:
  • Extreme poverty during the Enlightenment era led some intellectuals to advocate for:
  • The Enlightenment challenged the role of faith in society by emphasizing:
  • Enlightenment thinkers advocated for the abolition of:
  • The Enlightenment influenced political decision-making through the creation of:
  • Who is considered the father of modern political philosophy during the Enlightenment?
  • Which Enlightenment thinker championed freedom of speech and religious tolerance?
  • Which Enlightenment philosopher promoted the concept of natural rights and the social contract theory?
  • Which Enlightenment thinker is known for his skepticism and empiricism?
  • Which Enlightenment thinker argued for the freedom of the press and criticized government censorship?
  • Which Enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of individuals, including life, liberty, and property?
  • Which Enlightenment thinker is associated with the phrase "I think, therefore I am" and the concept of dualism?
  • Which Enlightenment thinker is known for his ideas on education and the concept of the "tabula rasa"?
  • What attracted the working poor and those unable to work to Enlightenment ideas during the Industrial Revolution?
  • The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment led to a change in the established roles of:

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