
Social Contract


A social contract is an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. It involves sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection.


Think of a social contract like the rules in a game of soccer. Everyone agrees to follow these rules (like not using hands unless you're the goalie) so that everyone can enjoy and benefit from the game. If someone breaks these rules, they face penalties, just as they would if they broke societal laws.

Related terms

Natural Rights: These are rights that individuals inherently possess regardless of legal systems or societal norms, such as life, liberty, and property.

John Locke: An influential Enlightenment thinker known for his ideas about government power coming from the consent of the governed and natural rights.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Another key Enlightenment philosopher who expanded on the idea of a social contract, arguing it was necessary for civil society and law creation.

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