
Rice Export


Rice export refers to the selling and shipping of rice from one country to another. In the context of US history, it was a major part of the Southern plantation economy.


Imagine you're a popular baker in town who makes delicious cakes. You start getting orders from neighboring towns, so you begin delivering your cakes there too. That's what rice export is like - it's taking something you've produced (in this case, rice) and sending it elsewhere because there's demand for it.

Related terms

Commodity: A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. In this case, rice is the commodity being exported.

Mercantilism: An economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances. The colonies' role in this system was to provide raw materials (like rice) to the mother country.

Colonial Trade: This refers to commerce between colonial powers (like Britain) and their colonies (like America). It often involved exporting resources like rice from colonies back to Europe.

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