
New England Colonies


The New England Colonies were a group of British colonies located in the northeastern part of what is now the United States. They included Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.


Think of the New England Colonies like a high school clique. Each colony (or student) has its own personality and quirks but they all hang out together because they share common interests - in this case, their geographical location and similar economic activities.

Related terms

Massachusetts Bay Colony: This was an English settlement on the east coast of America around the Massachusetts Bay, the northernmost of several colonies later reorganized as the Province of Massachusetts Bay.

Connecticut Colony: Founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker and his followers for political and religious freedom after a disagreement with Massachusetts Bay leaders; it was known for its democratic government structure.

Rhode Island Colony: Established in 1636 by Roger Williams who advocated for separation of church and state and religious freedoms; it became a haven for those persecuted for their religious beliefs.

"New England Colonies" appears in:

Practice Questions (8)

  • What limit might be encountered when using Anne Bradstreet’s poetry as a source to understand Puritan society in New England colonies?
  • What was the primary economic activity in the New England colonies during the 17th century?
  • Which characteristic most clearly differentiated the New England colonies from the Middle and Southern colonies in the 17th century?
  • What cultural trend led to increased literacy rates in New England colonies during this period?
  • How did differing strategies of colonization lead to contrasting societies between New England colonies and New Spain territories?
  • What was a cultural trend in New England colonies during the Colonial period?
  • Which religion primarily influenced societal practices and laws in the New England colonies?
  • What was the primary economic activity in New England colonies during the 17th century?

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