
Staple Crops


Staple crops are the main types of food that a population consumes regularly. They form the largest portion of a diet and supply a large fraction of energy and nutritional needs.


Think of staple crops like your favorite pair of jeans. You use them all the time because they're essential to your wardrobe, just as staple crops are essential to a population's diet.

Historical Context

Staple crops are the dominant food sources that form the basis of a community's diet and agricultural economy. Their cultivation has been central to human societies since the Neolithic Revolution, around 10,000 BCE, when humans began transitioning from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled agriculture. These crops vary by region due to climate and soil conditions—rice in East Asia, wheat in Europe and the Middle East, maize in the Americas, and millet in parts of Africa.

Historical Significance

The cultivation and reliance on staple crops have significantly shaped civilizations throughout history. They were essential for sedentary lifestyles, enabling population growth and urbanization. The surplus of staple crops led to trade expansion and economic development. Additionally, control over these valuable resources often played a role in conflicts and empire building. The spread of staples like potatoes from the Americas to Europe after the Columbian Exchange is credited with contributing to global population increases in the centuries that followed.

Related terms

Subsistence Farming: This is when farmers grow enough food to feed themselves and their families but have little left over for sale or trade.

Agricultural Revolution: A period in history marked by significant changes in farming practices that led to an increase in food production.

Crop Rotation: The practice of growing different types of crops in the same area across different seasons or years to improve soil fertility and crop yield.

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