


Facebook is a popular global social networking site where users can post comments, share photographs and links to news or other interesting content on the web, play games, chat live, stream live video etc.


Imagine Facebook as a huge international party where everyone's invited. You can chat with friends (messaging), show off your photos (posting), listen to others' stories (news feed), join different groups based on your interests etc.

Related terms

Social Media Platform: A social media platform is an online service or site that focuses on facilitating building social networks among people who share interests or activities.

Algorithm: An algorithm in terms of social media refers to a set of rules for sorting posts in users' feed based on relevancy instead of publish time.

Privacy Settings: Privacy settings are controls available on many social networking sites that allow users to limit who can access their profile, see their connections, interact with them, view their posts etc.

"Facebook" appears in:

Subjects (1)

Practice Questions (1)

  • How did the use of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook influence protests during the Arab Spring?

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