
Historical Source


A historical source is any piece of evidence or information from the past that provides insight into a particular event, person, or time period. It can include documents, artifacts, photographs, diaries, and more.


Think of a historical source as a time capsule filled with clues about the past. Just like opening a time capsule reveals objects and information from a specific era, examining a historical source allows us to uncover details about what happened in history.

Related terms

Primary Source: A primary source is an original document or artifact created during the time period being studied. It offers firsthand accounts or direct evidence of events.

Secondary Source: A secondary source is an interpretation or analysis of primary sources by someone who was not present during the events being studied. It provides commentary and insights based on research.

Oral History: Oral history refers to spoken accounts of personal experiences and memories passed down through generations. These interviews provide valuable perspectives on historical events.

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