
Threshold Stimulation


Threshold stimulation is the minimum level of stimulation required to activate a particular neuron, leading to an action potential or nerve impulse.


Think of threshold stimulation like the minimum amount of money needed to buy a ticket for a roller coaster ride. If you don't have enough (stimulation), you can't get on the ride (activate the neuron).

Related terms

Resting Potential: This is the state of a neuron when it's not being stimulated or inhibited. It's like having exactly zero dollars - not enough to get on that roller coaster.

Action Potential: This is what happens when a neuron does receive enough stimulation - it fires off an electrical charge. It's like finally having enough money to buy your ticket and enjoy the ride.

All-or-None Response: This principle states that if a neuron receives enough stimulation, it will fire at its full strength; if it doesn't, it won't fire at all. Like our roller coaster analogy, either you have enough money for the ride or you don't - there's no half-rides.

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