
E major key


The E major key is a musical key that is based on the note E as its tonic. It consists of a specific set of pitches and has its own unique sound and characteristics.


Think of the E major key as a sunny day at the beach. Just like how the sun brings warmth and brightness, music in E major often evokes feelings of joy and positivity.

Related terms

Key Signature: The key signature is a set of sharps or flats placed at the beginning of a staff to indicate which notes are altered throughout a piece in order to maintain consistency within a particular key.

Relative Minor: Every major key has a relative minor key that shares the same key signature. In this case, C# minor is the relative minor of E major.

Dominant Chord: In the context of E major, the dominant chord would be B major. The dominant chord has an important role in creating tension and leading back to the tonic chord (E).

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