
Thermidorian Directory


The Thermidorian Directory was a five-man executive body established in France after Robespierre's fall on 9th Thermidor Year II (27 July 1794). It marked a return to conservative republicanism, economic liberalism, and anticlericalism after periods of radical policy.


Imagine you're playing a game where each player takes turns setting rules. After one player sets some really intense rules that make everyone uncomfortable (like Robespierre did with his radical policies), another player steps up and decides to dial things back down again. That's kind of what happened with Thermidorian Directory - they took over rule-setting duties from Robespierre's team and decided to go in a different direction.

Related terms

Robespierre Maximilien: He was one of most influential figures associated with French Revolution and Reign of Terror. He was executed by guillotine in July 1794, marking the end of the Reign of Terror.

Thermidorian Reaction: This term refers to a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror, leading to Robespierre's execution and establishment of Thermidorian Directory.

Constitutional Convention: A political assembly that drafted a new constitution for France after overthrowing King Louis XVI. It was dominated by Jacobins but later saw power shift towards more moderate factions like Thermidorians.

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