
The Agricultural Revolution


The Agricultural Revolution refers to the significant changes in farming practices that occurred during the 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe. This included new agricultural techniques, improvements in livestock breeding, and the shift from subsistence farming to commercial farming.


Think of the Agricultural Revolution like upgrading from an old flip phone to a modern smartphone. Just as smartphones introduced new features like internet access, GPS, and apps that made communication more efficient, the Agricultural Revolution introduced new tools and methods that made farming more productive.

Related terms

Subsistence Farming: This is a type of agriculture where farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. It's like cooking just enough dinner for your family each night - there's not much left over for anything else.

Commercial Farming: Commercial farming involves agriculture conducted with the aim of selling crops or livestock products for profit. It's similar to running a restaurant - you're cooking food not just for yourself but also to sell to customers.

Crop Rotation: Crop rotation is a method of planting different types of crops in the same area over sequential seasons to improve soil health and reduce pest pressure. Imagine if you wore the same pair of shoes every day; they'd wear out pretty quickly. But if you rotate between different pairs, each pair lasts longer - it's kind of like that!

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