
Nitrogen Oxides


Nitrogen oxides are a group of gases composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen atoms. They are primarily produced by burning fossil fuels at high temperatures, such as in vehicle engines or power plants. Nitrogen oxides contribute to smog formation and can have negative effects on human health.


Think of nitrogen oxides as troublemakers who love stirring up drama at school. When they hang out together (in high concentrations), they create smoggy situations that make it hard for everyone else (including us) to breathe comfortably.

Related terms

Acid Rain: A type of rain or precipitation that contains high levels of sulfuric acid or nitric acid due to emissions from burning fossil fuels containing sulfur or nitrogen compounds.

Smog: A type of air pollution characterized by a mixture of smoke and fog, often caused by the presence of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere.

Catalytic Converter: A device in vehicles that helps reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by converting them into less harmful substances.

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