
Exam Weighting


Exam weighting refers to the allocation of points or marks given to each section or topic in an exam. It determines how much each part contributes to the overall score.


Imagine you have a pizza with different toppings. The exam weighting is like assigning a percentage value to each topping based on its importance. So, even if you love pepperoni (a particular topic), it may not contribute as much as cheese (another topic) towards your final grade.

Related terms

Scoring Rubric: A scoring rubric provides guidelines and criteria for evaluating student performance in exams or assignments.

Grading Scale: This refers to the range of scores used to assign letter grades (e.g., A, B, C) based on students' performance.

Weighted Average: In some cases, exams may have different weightings assigned to them throughout the semester. A weighted average calculates the overall grade by considering these varying weights.

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