


Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence of a cell's genome. They can occur naturally or as a result of exposure to certain chemicals or radiation.


Think of mutations like typos in a book. Just as one wrong letter can change the meaning of a word, one change in the DNA sequence can alter how genes function.

Related terms

Genetic Variation: This refers to diversity in gene frequencies. Genetic variation can lead to different traits within individuals of the same species, much like how different books have unique stories even though they all use the same alphabet.

Mutagen: A mutagen is an agent, such as radiation or a chemical substance, that causes genetic mutation. It's like someone randomly changing letters in our book without us knowing it.

Genotype: The genotype is the part of the genetic makeup of a cell, which determines specific characteristics (phenotypic) of that cell/organism. It's like having an original manuscript for our book - it contains all information needed to create and understand it.

"Mutations" appears in:

Subjects (1)

Practice Questions (3)

  • What effect can mutations have on an organism?
  • What affect can mutations have on an organism?
  • Why can there be no mutations in a Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium-following population?

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