


Hierarchy refers to the arrangement of elements in order of importance within an artwork. It involves creating a visual structure where certain elements stand out more prominently than others, guiding the viewer's attention and understanding.


Think of hierarchy like a school cafeteria seating arrangement. The principal sits at one end of the table, teachers sit closer to them, and students sit further away based on their grade level. This seating arrangement establishes a clear hierarchy where authority figures are given more prominence.

Related terms

Emphasis: Emphasis is when certain elements within an artwork are made more visually dominant than others through techniques such as size, color, or placement. It plays a crucial role in establishing hierarchy.

Balance: Balance refers to distributing visual weight evenly across an artwork. In terms of hierarchy, balance helps ensure that important elements don't overpower or get lost among less significant ones.

Scale: Scale refers to the relative size of elements within an artwork. By manipulating scale, artists can create a sense of hierarchy and emphasize certain elements over others.

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